Crafty Dragons
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Gameplay Rules and Expectations Empty Gameplay Rules and Expectations

Wed Nov 23, 2022 4:06 pm
Gameplay Rules
1. Rolls are going to be on an honor system.
2. I expect at least 3 sentences of description/dialogue/internal thoughts. Have fun with the roleplay, describe your characters mannerisms!
3. If you are not happy with your character, you have until level 3 to change it. Until then, you can change it up. After level 3 you're locked in for the rest of the game.
4. Don't be an asshole. Chaotic or not, I won't tolerate it.
5. We will be posting on Sundays and Thursdays. We're going to do college rules, as long as your post is done by 11:59pm CST!

Gameplay Expectations
When playing like this, it can be a little weird. However, I'm going to give you some play-by-post tips and hints as well as describe how we'll be doing roles.

Speech - When your character speaks, we'll be using " " to indicate speech, followed by some sort of descriptor if necessary.

For example: "Where do we go next? We can't just sit in the tavern all day!" she said, gesturing emphatically to the group.

Thoughts - This is a fantasy game. Mind readers might be present, so inner monologue, if your character would have one can be used as well. For this, we will use italics.

For example: Oh come on, we can't just sit in the tavern all day! she thought, frustrated at her mates lack of get-up-and-go.

Out-of-Character - Sometimes, we want to send an idea to someone, or explain something. That's when out-of-character marks help. I usually put these on the bottom of the post, as not to break up the overall flow of the post. I typically use (( )) to indicate it, or use can use that in conjunction with OoC for out-of-character.

For example: ((OoC: I think we should do ___ next.))

Dice Rolls
Rolls are going to be a learning curve for all of us. But, I think I have a method that will work. Using D&D Beyond, it auto generates your score based on any advantages or disadvantages you may have. Please, when you're posting a roll, put it in ( ) with what you're rolling for, and the break down. That way I know where you're getting your numbers from, and can double check any suspicious rolls.

For example: (Perception: 12 + 2 racial bonus = 14)

I will add images, and possibly maps as needed throughout the games. Any changes to these rules I will add an edited/updated tag on the bottom of this post!
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