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Session Zero Empty Session Zero

Tue Nov 22, 2022 9:48 pm
This is the start of Curse of Strahd, Session Zero.

You find yourselves in Daggerford, a town on the Sword Coast of the Forgotten Realms.

Duchess Morwen of Daggerford is having guests for dinner--and you are invited. No strangers to Daggerford, you have come to the town's defense on more than one occasion, and you count Lady Morwen as a friend and a benefactor.
A cool autumn vreeze blows through the streets as you make your way to the keep. As you dine on hot, spicy soup and tenderly cooked pheasant, you can tell the the duchess seems more out of sorts than usual. Then a pall comes over the occasion as she voices her concern about a band of wayward travelers camped outside the town's walls. They seem harmless at first, but Morwen has received reports that they have begun harassing townsfolk and other visitors as they come and go, demanding money wnd wine, and threatening to put hexes on anyone who doesn't pay up.
Yesterday, the duchess ordered several guards to scare away the mysterious visitors, but they couldn't get the job done. When the guards returned, they spoke sympathetically about the visitors. It seemed as if the guards had been magically charmed.
Morwen doesn't want an armed conflict, but she aims to send a stern message to the visitors and asks you to deliver it on her behalf.

"If they don't leave before dawn," she said, "I'll burn their wagons to the ground."

You're to leave immediately after dinner.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Nov 27, 2022 6:34 pm
Bedeck a portly but jolly half orc puts down the soup bowl with an appreciative smile. "Truely the path to perfection should not be littered with treats such as this," states the half orc. He stands, dabbing his bottom tusks appreciatively and straightens his lime green robes before hartily laughing, "comrads do we wish to try the peaceful approach or straight to the muscle as they say!"

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:01 pm
Dinner with the Duchess was a wonderful occasion, it wasn't often that Sapphyr was able to attend, though the times he did it was a memorable occasion. When the news was given, and the decision of what plans to be made there after; Sapphyr gave a nod "I'm not one for quarrels but Lady Morwen has spoken. That being said," stood the Eladrin giving a crack of his neck as the thoughts were coming to a definite answer "I say we attempt the courteous route and go with a peaceful approach, there is no need to sour a good evening with blood shed..." he glanced toward the doors "...For now."

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:22 pm
Daggerford, a town on the land of Sword Coast, one that Anyana found herself quite familiar with thanks to none other than Lady Morwen herself, the one who had summoned her and her partner, Sapphyr to her halls once again. Who were they to ignore the call of an old friend after all? It would be foolish of them to do so. The Eladrin female liked to have her skin remain true to the seasons in which the world reflected and as such had chosen the perfect outfit to pop out against her autumn skin while not being too much of a show to others around. Blending in while still standing out was usually her aim at events such as this, tonight was no different but as the Good Lady spoke of what was needed, Anyana found herself wondering if that was wise.

‘I don’t know if I like how she described how the guards were when they came back to her.’ She thought to herself as she twiddled with her fork between her fingers and listened to the pair of male’s talk to one another. She gave a soft hum as she trailed off in thought for a moment before she leaned back forward. “We would hardly refuse our Good Lady given all she has done for us. Her message must be delivered. And I agree that we should do it in a way that doesn’t end in bloodshed if it can be avoided.” Anyana voiced aloud. “However I do believe we should also form a plan to try and best avoid whatever it was that the guards fell prey to when they talked to this party of people…Any ideas on how?”

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:40 pm
"I don't know, I just want them gone!" Duchess Morwen screeches at you. Her guards escort you out of the keep and into the night.

"We don't know what was done to them... but be careful. These... travelers have powerful magic." A guard warns, before returning to the keep and shutting the doors. (Roll Inteligence check. D20 + your modifier)

Guards are patrolling atop the walls, peering out at something beyond them. Those nearest the gate seemed especially spooked.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 01, 2022 10:10 pm
The exclaim from the Duchess had Sapphyr's brows rose and his eyes widened in a moment of surprised before he nodded and soon walked where he was lead out of the Keep and soon glanced over his shoulder at the closing doors. "Well... that's not very nice or ... royally of her but I suppose there isn't much we can do about the matter." he exhaled a breath, withdrawing a dagger from his hip sheath and began twirling it within his fingers as he brainstormed mentally whilst looking about the area about him, scoping it from his position and began to consider his next move. Now, being a Rogue, he had a few ideas up his sleeve, but part of him just couldn't act until he was certain that the center of attention wasn't going to be on himself, he worked better that way.

(Roll 19 + 3 modifier = 22 intelligence)

Last edited by Mosaic on Fri Dec 02, 2022 9:18 am; edited 1 time in total

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 01, 2022 11:01 pm
(Nat20 + 3mod= 23 Intel)

Anyana held her breath and her tongue as the Duchess started her screeching at them before having the trio escorted on out by her guard, out in the dark is where she slowly exhaled and she waved goodbye to the guard after he gave his advice. "Powerful Magic...suppose that is better than no information." She looked around at the other guards. "Maybe the other guards know a little more. Should we ask them before heading completely on our way?" She asked the others.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Fri Dec 02, 2022 8:44 pm
If the duchess s loosing her cool this quickly it must be more serious than we thought.

Walking out with his friends at the behest of the very nervous guards he exited the estate of the duchess. Powerful magics. The monks havd shown me many techniques of calming my mind and preventing intrusive thoughts. Would they be as effective at truely arcane spells?
(Intelligence roll 20+1 int modifer= 21)

"My friends im sure the duchess is worried for her people. A handful of this arcane order outside causing mischief is but a simple talk away. We're they up to no good surely the guards would be dead or injured not turned away?

The half orc tightened his robes strategically to fit him for combat. Should the need arise he would be prepared for battle and not trip over his own cloak. He flexed passively a bit and stretched while his friends did their planning. His mind was clear for the road ahead not bogged down with the what ifs of the future.
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Dec 04, 2022 12:07 pm
Any communication with the guards will elicit the same response - wayward travelers with powerful magics. However, you all recall that the Vistani, a group of nomadic travelers, comes through this way ever so often. They are said to have powerful magic. No one is quite sure to what extent...

As the gates are pushed open for you, you can see a dozen men and women gathered around a crackling bonfire. The folk are in good spirits. A few of them sing and dance around the fire while others find happiness in their flasks and wine-skins. Three barrel-topped wagons are parked at odd angles. Tied to a nearby tree, grazing, are half a dozen draft horses wearing bright coats with bangles and tassels.

((Vistani are, disappointingly, stereotyping Romani peoples. That should give you a good visual of what this group looks like))

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:53 pm
He had encounter them before. Vistani children pick pocketing travlers that visit their camps to shopa and trade. Some saw only nomads and theirs the group was more than that. A family willing to cross the bounds of law to protect their own. While Badeck could respect the Familia bounds they had forged, a lands laws are sacred. If you wish to avoid them it is best to leave the land and ply trade elsewhere.

"The Vistani are an even more insular group than the monks I trained with. We should speak plainly and without malice if we wish to avoid any brash reactions" remarks the half orc tightening his robes over his neck to protect from the elements and flipping the pockets inward to protect agaisnt theft.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:26 pm
Sapphyr's eyes scanned everything before him 'these were just merry people... aren't they?' that was how the rogue perceived them 'But... orders are orders I suppose.' "We'll just need to get this done quickly so we can return to the grand feast, and move forward, yes?" why did something in his gut tell him it wasn't going to be that simple? With a shake of his head, "Talking to calm situations? that's never my strong suit I'm afraid." an exhale escaped him.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 08, 2022 9:12 pm
"Speaking plainly sounds like a plan." Anyana agreed with Badeck. "Perhaps we should offer to help them find lands where they will be more welcome rather than quoting the message we were given anyone would react negatively to the threat we were given to deliver." She asked before smiling to her husband's words and took a moment to peck his cheek. "That is why we act better as a team, my love." She teased him gently.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Fri Dec 09, 2022 8:59 am
The gates close behind you, and you hear the metal clank of the lock being engaged. The guards are paranoid, and don't want any of the Vistani to enter the keep.
As you get closer to the group, you can smell and hear the sounds of merriment even clearer. They appear to be stopped for the night. An older gentleman spots you, and waves. "HAIL TRAVELERS!" He chuckles at his own joke.

((If you're suspicious of them, roll an insight check.))
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:26 am
"Hail fellow travelers," the jolly old orc responded, "you all seem to be quite the merry gathering." He patted his belly "im afraid we've eaten already tonight but perhaps we may join you for a nice tea?"  
Hopefully a simple exchange of words and some friendly conversation will resolve this issue.
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Wed Dec 14, 2022 8:38 pm
(( 18 Insight))

Things were not adding up, these beings were jolly, merry, just having a good time. Yet his mind kept going back to the words of the Duchess and her men, though it was his wife's voice and her cheek kiss that brought his focus back to the present. "You do have a point, my Dear. Then I suppose we need to put our brains together again and figure this out." He leaned in and kissed her temple. He gave a nod of acknowledgement to the old man who called out to them. "And to you, Good Sir." He called back.
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:15 pm
(( Nat One Session Zero 1f630 Even though my Insight is +2 It's still a Nat One))

Anyana gave a soft hum to her husband's words and temple kiss before smiling to the old man that greeted them and gave him a polite wave in place of a vocal greeting. "If you wouldn't mind the company that is!" She called out in hopes of joining the conversation that Bedeck had started for them all and keeping the tone polite and kind while still letting Bedeck steer the direction of it as he seemed to have a plan.
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:35 pm
((18, there is no malicious intent here. They're just traveller's having fun.))

"What brings you here to our humble abode? The name is Stanimir, this is my daughter Damia and my son Ratka." He motions to each in turn.
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:59 pm
The orc plops himself down near the campfire and and pats his belly. "A roaring fire and good company," he laughed, "do these get togethers ever get out of control?" Badeck looks around the room (perception 15+2=17) to see about threats, armed men, obvious spell casters, and number of foes.
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:31 pm
"And too your family as well." Sapphyr said with a nod to the man's children before helping his wife to sit down next to Badeck and then sitting on her other side. His eyes skimmed the area cautiously while giving off a faux curious demeanor. (Perception: 17+2=19)
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:59 pm
"You'll have to excuse my husband, Stanimir. He has always been a man of few words." She said truthfully after Sapphyr had helped her find her seat between Badeck and himself. "Your children are beautiful. My name is Anyana. My husband is Sapphyr and our friend is Badeck. I'll avoid echoing his words, the three of us are pretty a tightknit trio. What brings your family here? It doesn't look like the best place for safe living." She said as she looked around. "I know I would worry for my children's wellbeing if we had children while we were adventuring, so I admire you."
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:12 am
((Perception: You notice 9 of the men and women are armed, and awaiting orders from Ratka. One spell caster, though you cant pinpoint who.))

"We mean you, nor the Duchess Morwen no harm... if that's what you're asking about." He laughs heartily, but there's an edge to his tone. He noticed your cautious looks. "Come, another traveler has already made themselves comfortable. I have a story to tell you, if you'll listen?"

The other traveler is a high elf, sitting around the fire, a drink in hand. You're each brought a cup of ale to enjoy as well.
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sat Dec 31, 2022 7:19 pm
"A good story is worth its weight in gold" badeck responds. He sits opposite the elf at the fire and looks casually round the camp. He rubs his nearly bald head and adjusts his top knot in the warmth of the fire then takes a sip. "Come friends lets listen to the tale of these travelers and we can discuss the duchess further after."
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:38 pm
"Tales make a wonderful way to pass the time as well as get to know people." Sapphyr offers a friendly smile, having spotted and counted the groups' heads. Nine hopefully that wasn't going to be too much a problem. For now? friendly, getting along, anything to make sure his wife was safe. "We will have children in the future, my dear." he smiled softly to his wife.
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:51 pm
"I do love a good story," she smiled and nodded to the high elf before sitting down. Jokingly she patted Sapphyr's shoulder "You'll have to forgive my husband, she isn't much a drinker when his mind is focused on a good story." she took up both cups offered and placed Sapphyr's in his hand "Drink dear, it'll help warm you." she smiled happily when he did. "Now, about the story?"
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:06 am
Stanimir fills his mouth with wine, then spits it into the fire. The flames turn from orange to green. As they dance and sway, a dark shape appears in the bonfire's core.

"We come from an ancient land whose bane is long forgotten--a land of kings. Our enemies forced us from our homes, and now we wander the lost roads." The dark shape is the fire takes the form of a man being knocked from his horse, a spear piercing his side. Stanimir continues. "One night, a wounded soldier staggered into our camp and collapsed. We nursed his terrible injury and quenched his thirsty with wine. He survived. When we asked him who he was, he wouldn't say. All he wanted was to return home, but we were deep in the land of his enemies. We took him as one of our own and followed him back toward his homeland his enemies hunted him. They said he was a prince, yet we didn't give him up, even when their assassins fell upon us like wolves."

Deep in the bonfire, you see the dark figure standing with sword drawn, fighting off a host of shadowy shapes. "This man of royal blood fought to protect us, as we protected him. We bore him safely to his home, and he thanked us. He said. 'I owe you my life. Stay as long as you wish, leave when you choose, and know that you will always be safe here.'"

The figure in the dancing fire vanquishes its final foe, then disperses in a cloud of smoke and embers.

Stanimir's face becomes a somber mask. "A curse has befallen our noble prince, turning him into a tyrant. We alone have the power to leave his domain. We've traveled far and wide to find heroes such as yourselves to end our dread lord's curse and put his troubled soul to rest. Our leader, Madam Eva, knows all. Will you return to Barovia with us to speak with her?"
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