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Session Zero Empty Session Zero

Tue Nov 22, 2022 9:47 pm
This is the start of Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Session Zero.

Icewind Dale has become trapped in a perpetual winter. Ferocious blizzards make the mountain pass through the Spine of the World exceedingly treacherous, and this land has not felt the warmth of the sun in over two years. In fact, the sun no longer appears above the mountains, not even in what should be the height of summer. In this frozen tundra, darkness and bitter cold reign as king and queen. Most Dale residents blame Auril the Frostmaiden, the God of winter's wrath. The shimmering aurora that weaves across the sky each night is said to be her doing--a potent spell that keeps the sun at bay.
Dalefolk live in a scattering of settlements known as Ten-Towns. The drop-off in caravans coming from the south and travel between settlements in this never-ending winter has left everyone feeling isolated. Although each town has resolved to appease the Frostmaideb with sacrifices of one kind or another, no respite form winter's fury seems forthcoming. For adventurers such as yourselves, Ten-Towns is a place to test one's mettle and, in the spirit of herosmes who have come before, leave one's mark on the frigid, blighted land.
Just another gruesome day in Ten-Towns: howling wind, bitter cold, foul tempers, and snowdrifts big enough to bury a herd of Moose. But today the local tavern is abuzz with news about a series of recent killings. Before the murders, the only question on everyone's mind was, "Will summer ever return to Icewind Dale?" Now the question is, "will I be the killer's next victim?" Nothing breeds fear and paranoia like a murderer with no face.
Three cold-blooded murders have been committed in the past month: a halfling trapper in Easthaven, a human shipbuilding in Targos, and, three days ago, a dwarf glass-blower in Bryn Shander. Each victim was found with a dagger of ice through the heart.
What's the connection? The drunken lot huddled in the tavern offers no credible ideas, but sitting apart from them is an elderly shield dwarf with a nasty scar across her nose who looks like she has something worth knowing. She's been smoking her pipe and eyeing you ever since you walked in...

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Nov 27, 2022 6:55 pm
Rhaella hated the cold. Half-orc, though she was, and fully capable of handling it, she despised it. Her pale green skin was still glistening from snow as she slipped into the tavern. She looked around, rolling her eyes at the drunken patrons. She enjoyed her drink as much as the next person, but she wasn't in the mood to deal with them. She was here, hoping to find answers.

As soon as she spotted the elderly dwarf watching her, she decided to approach. She walked over, pulling the seat out and sitting across from her. "You've been eyeing me. Do I know you?"

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:01 pm
Winter had come, yes, that was the nature of things, time passing by in the blink of an eye for some which left one awaiting the usual shifting of the seasons. But did winter leave? No. Now that in itself was ever so curious with mystery grasping at the very threads of inquiry.

Questions began to rise within the crevices of a knowledgeable and quite analytical mind, questions which subconsciously stroked that desire for such knowledge of the unknown.

That wasn't why he was there, oh no, the news had reached the inquisitive one quickly and with far more than enough of a prod to his inner workings of his mind. To get that need to know itch; scratched and appeased..

Answers, he needed answers and was as lost as he was informed from what he was able to read as he made his way through the town and into the tavern itself.

Stepping in, silver hues glimmered within the crackling fire’s light as he looked about the tavern occupants. All drunken fools from the majority of the patrons, however his eyes landed upon two beings not having an air of drunkard; not to mention the elder's gaze was on him which led him to near for possible answers.

“You both seem like the only clear minded individuals here; would you be so kind as to answer a few questions?”

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:34 pm
Sitting at the bar with his top hat at its most rakeish angle Dr. Diablory sat drinking a mug of ale with an attitude befitting a Nobel and the outfit of a circus trope. Long black coat sat on his shoulders and pants that had seen to many seasons to be called fine anymore. This was a human who had fallen on hard times but maintained his grace. His sharp young eyes saw the dwarf back but not willing to engage he sat at the bar nearest her and attempted to listen in to the conversations. Relief swept over his frail body when two others approached her to strike up a conversation. Slicking back his short dark hair in a manner to appear collected and not nervous he waited to enter the conversation at the precise moment for best effect.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:51 pm
Rhaella hadn't received an answer from the dwarf yet when she heard a new voice. Well isn't this turning into an unexpected party, she thought. She turned to the man who had spoken, smiling a little. Her orchish fangs being put on display. "I'll try, but to be honest, I'm trying to get answers myself. What is it you want to know?"

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:46 pm
Caravans from the south to Ten Towns weren’t a super uncommon thing, such a caravan had brought Zoralune northwards herself about a month or so ago, but she hadn’t expected for life to be as bland as it was when she came to Icewind Dale seeking a new beginning, a new life here in the snow that she found absolutely beautiful. But they also weren’t an overly common thing either so all of the foods of home, were best left in memories. Ale however could be found at any old tavern, and so she visited them, quite frequently, and always aimed to leave happily and of her own free will every time she visited.

Today was such a day that begged to be spent at a tavern and so she found herself walking through such a door, only to be met with whispers of murders. She was puzzled and stared in confusion at the drunks who ranted and raved. “What?” She muttered out before finally she heard someone talked of clear minded individuals and her attention finally snapped over to the dwavern shield maiden and the young tiefling found herself staring back in a sort of unintended staring contest before she scurried on over to the trio, stepping on her own tail in the process and faceplanting just short of the table. “Do you all know anything about wha-GAHHH!” She shouted out as she fell before popping back up with a muttered apology.
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:33 am
Vali didn’t mind the cold so much as he minded other things. But nonetheless he eased his way into the warm tavern. Never mind the barkeep eyeballing him. Raising his hand to get the barkeeps attention, he asked for a ale. And took a seat.
He hoped no one would bother him. Not here, not now. He had things to do.
He wanted no company but his own at this time. At least to warm his bones.

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Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:13 pm
"What kind of questions are you asking? Because I've got the answers. You look rather new here. The name is Hlin Trollbane." She reaches out a hand to shake, her grip still surprisingly strong for her age and size. She takes a draw from her pipe. Her scars now far more visible.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:19 pm
Rhaella tried not to laugh at the comical way the tiefling handled themselves. It wasn't even the trip that amused her. It was the almost fall and how she played it off. With a slight hum, she looked back at the dwarf. "Rhaella. I normally keep to myself, but I suppose you could say that." She shook her hand, not bothered by the grip. "About the murders. Bit curious. You seem like maybe you know something. If not, I'll keep investigating."

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 01, 2022 9:45 am
In the back corner of the tavern, lit only by a candle, sat a light skinned elf with hair black as night, a blade twiddling in her hand on the table as she observed the other patrons, listening for information that may be dropped at any given moment. She remained quiet, as the caravan she rode in with had mentioned something about unsolved murders in the area had caught her interest. She smirked a bit after watching the tiefling trip, holding in her own laughter. Her eyes seemed to fixate onto the shield maiden's table once she heard mention of the investigation, remaining where she was at her table.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:29 pm
Throwing his cape behind his shoulders and poseing in what he thought an appropriately heroic manner the doctor faced the table. "Ah yes the portents and scrying were correct. I too have heard of the lascivious nature of the murders in town. Do not fear DR. DIABLORY will assist you!"

Holding his pose for the dwarf, teifling, orc and assorted other onlookers for entirely to long he visibly held his breath for a response.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 01, 2022 9:50 pm
With the teifling tripping, more being having neared, it was a bit busy in it of itself and thus Vorvyn reached out to shake the orc's hand with a firm grip. He'd been listening to the folk about speak, asking and making conversation that his own questions were getting jumbled in his mind as the almost overwhelm made those concrete curiosities stray. 'I... suppose they too would have information on the murders that have been spoken of. or perhaps are just as curious as I.' was his mental thought.

However, his ice blue hues moved across the individuals to land on the rather loud.. individual "It's good to know that our curiosities on the events align in some way for us all, yes?" he spoke aloud to the small group that had formed "but these curiosities will get us nowhere if we don't have some sort of proper navigations." his eyes finally moved to land on the elder orc "Have you seen this all before? do you have any sort of ... information that can help us, per chance?"

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 01, 2022 10:49 pm
Zoralune looked around at the group before looking back to the Halfling when she introduced herself and opened her mouth to speak only to shut it again when Rhaella beat her to it and then the rather loud Doctor came up to the table so she spun around to take and shake his hand momentarily forgetting the Halfling and what she had said. "Pleased to meet ya, Dr. Die...Diebauchery, was it?" She asked before Jorvyn shook the elder's hand and started in with his questions. "I'm a lot like Miss Rhaella and Mister.... I don't think he said his name just shook your hand and the slightly loud but very fun Doctor, it seems, but my name is Zoralune. Some call me Zora...or just Lune. But I also would like to know about the murders, seems like everyone in town has heard about them but me and I am rather curious."
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:06 am
Rhaella smiled a little as she shook hands with the New comers. She glanced over all of them and leaned back. Intriguing little group we have gathering. Hopefully this one turns out to be more trustworthy. She enjoyed making new friends, but she also knew that not everyone who claimed that title was truly a friend. As the doctor spoke, a soft-yet deep-chuckle bubbled up from her chest. She could honestly say she liked the dramatic flare.

"Doctor Diebaucery." She chuckled. "No, It was Diablory." She smiled at Zora. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you. And I have to agree with Zorvyn. It would seem all of us are here for the same reason. We want answers about the murders." She tapped her fingers on the table absent-mindedly. A bunch of strangers with one thing in common. This is either the start of a bad joke or a very odd coincidence. "I've seen murder before, but nothing like this. The insistent cold and these murders. Something strange is at play. Even my contacts couldn't tell me anything and they usually know more than they should."

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:27 pm
Taking a deep breath, Vali sighed to himself. Yes, what do you know thus far Diablory? I am intrigued. Call it morbid curiosity if you will… he chuckled to himself quietly.
Tucking a stray hair behind his ear, he gave Diablory a smile then took a sip of ale. His gaze never leaving Diablorys.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Dec 04, 2022 5:07 pm
Hlin looks around at you all and nods. "Sit down, Dr. Diablory. No need for all of that... nonsense. I've taken it upon myself to investigate these murders, since that damn Council of Speakers won't." She takes a swig from her ale before continuing. "I have a suspect. Sephek Kaltro. He works for a small traveling merchant company called Torg's, owned and operated by a shady dwarf named Torrga Icevein. In other words, he gets around. He's charming. Makes friends easily. He's also Torrga's bodyguard, so I'm guessing he's good with a blade."

She sighs, steadying herself before continuing her tale. "His victims come from the only three towns that sacrifice people to the Frostmaiden on nights of the new moon. Bryn Shander, Easthaven, and Targos. This is what passes for civilized behavior in Icewind Dale. Maybe the victims found a way to keep their names out of the drawings and Sephek found out they were cheating, so he killed them. Maybe just maybe, Sephek is doing the Frostmaiden's work."

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:39 pm
Rhaella leaned back in her seat. She hummed softly, a far off look on her face. Someone that gets around. Well they're not Someone I've encountered during my travels, but sounds promising. I wonder... She took a deep breath and turned her gaze to Hlin. "A council refusing to do its job. Shocking." She crossed her arms. "Most in power don't want to do what they should. Might mean getting their hands dirty. Can't have that. Fucking assholes." She shook her head. "No, we're on our own with this."

She looked at the rest of their strange little band. Would they actually be able to find the real killer and stop him or her? Just because there was a suspect didn't mean they were the perpetrator. "Sacrafice? I mean snackrafice is fine. Give jewelry, give your time. Sacrificing someone that hasn't agreed sounds like a load of cow shit. Religious zealots like that get lumped together with the shitty lords and ladies that act better than those less fortunate. They should be taught a lesson."

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:12 pm
Sitting down at the behest of the dwarf diablory bellowed his cape out to the side to not sit on it. He was a handsome for a human if not a bit angular in the face. "Ah yes the portens become clear. I foresaw you'd invite me to dine with you and exchange secrets," he said succinctly. a murder....this could draw uncessary attention. We will need to handle this madman quickly

After listening to the dwarf speak for a bit and the orcs hatred for the law he fell more into ease with the group. Truely this would be most fortunate to solve this murder quickly and quietly. The doctor turned to the half orc, "My muscly aquaniantce. Every brain needs an arm and each arm has muscles. Would you care for an allaince betwixt the brain and brawn?" Before she answered he turned to the halfling "AND YOU GIIRRRL, it is pronounced DIE-ab-lore- E, do not let that infernal nature scorch your mind."

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:56 am
She raised a brow at the theatrics. She didn't have any real problem with Diablory, more she wasn't used to such a deplorable excess of personality. He's something else. Never met someone like him. Well maybe I have, but hard to notice when you're in and out.. "Exchange secrets? I suppose that's one way to put it. Though it's more sharing what information we have. We don't really know each other so secrets will be kept. No offense."

She kicked her feet up on the table, pushing her seat back on the back two legs. "Oh, you silly man. You say that as if because I'm brawn that I don't have brains. Lucky for you, I know that's not how you meant it. I suppose an alliance wouldn't be a terrible thing." She looked everyone over. Can so many different personalities get along well enough and long enough for an alliance to truly work?
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Mon Dec 05, 2022 1:15 pm
Adrusilia giggled and smirked at the "doctor's" dramatic actions. What a precarious fellow, Perhaps he thinks himself a hero for coming here? He'll be humbled soon enough once the investigation starts. She then got up with her drink and moved to a closer table. And with a flick of her wrist, she shapes a small bird out of her table's candle flame, and flutters it over to the center of the main group's, circling their candle a few times before bringing it back to herself, having it hover just above her hand.
"A little birdie told me you are here to investigate the recent murders here as well, and I couldn't help but overhear that there are zealots taking advantage of those less fortunate?" She asks quietly, the light from the little flaming bird dancing in her golden eyes. "Perhaps I may be of aid?"

Last edited by Rosariana on Tue Dec 06, 2022 7:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Mon Dec 05, 2022 2:59 pm
Listening to Hlin reveal what was known so far of the murder. Vali gave a nod. So he likes to sacrifice them eh? He thought to himself. Sloppy work… he laughed
"I am willing to help find the one responsible for this." Vali said as he brought his fist to his face watching purple streaks of light exist his fist, he was a cleric after all. And this thrilled him.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:13 pm
Jorvyn had gone quiet, taking everything in as he observed, listened, and took mental notes of all of importance that was passing between the lips of their team of odd ones; himself included. "It looks as if we all have a common goal, well then," he gripped his gave a respectful nod though his eyes widened as the dwarf spoke in an exaggerative tone before he refrained from chuckling and gave a nod. "Exactly so." there was faint crack to his neck as he brought his attention back to the elder orc taking in everything she had thus far, Jorvyn pulled out a small booklet and jotted symbolled notes in his mother tongue for quick memory recall already aligning a few of the ones similar to his own for cross referencing.

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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 08, 2022 9:02 pm
"Oh." Zoralune breathed out as she heard Rhaella's correction. "I'm sorry, Doctor." She whispered before she fell silent as the Orc continued along the path they all truly cared about and simply listened. 'Sephek Kaltro. Traveling merchant company called Torg's. Torrga Icevein. Bryn Shander, Easthaven, and Targos sacrifice people to the Frostmaiden on nights of the new moon.' Her brain summarized. "Did the deaths take place during New Moons?" She thought aloud before nodding along to Rhaella's upset about the council and people of power in general. A scowl crossed her features at the Doctor's words. "At least I attempted to respect you by using your name." She got out. "Perhaps your ears were too frostbitten but I also apologized when Miss Rhaella corrected me." She breathed out and rolled her neck to crack it as Adrusilia walked up and offered her assistance and so she turned her back on the rude doctor to shake the newcomer's hand. "I'm Zoralune. Help is always welcome." Another unknown newcomer walked up at that time so Zora gave him a curt nod. "It appears so." She said after Jorvyn had said his piece.
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Fri Dec 09, 2022 8:37 am
"No. Yhats the thing, these murders aren't happening on the new moon... so we know they aren't legitimate sacrifices to Auril." She nods to the group before continuing her story. "I followed Torg's for a ten-day as it moved from town to town. Quite the devious little enterprise, but that's not my concern. What struck me is how comfortable Sephek Kaltro looked in this weather. No coat, no scarf, no gloves. It was like the cold couldn't touch him. Kiss of the Frostmaiden, indeed."

She seems spooked by this revelation in particular. With Icewind Dale being thrust into a forever winter, winter gear is a quite common way of dress.

"I will pay you a hundred cold pieces to apprehend Sephek Kaltro, ascertain his guilt, and deal with him, preferably without involving the authorities."
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Session Zero Empty Re: Session Zero

Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:17 am
Rhaella laid back and laughed softly. "Involving the authorities." She shook her head. "The authorities are something I actively avoid so no worries there." She stretched a bit, pale green muscles rippling under her tunic. In the heat of the tavern she'd removed her cloak, but kept the thick tunic and leather vest on. "I'm willing to take the coin to apprehend this man."

A slight frown made her tusks a little more prominent. "Though the fact he's unbothered by the cold is concerning. Makes you wonder what magic or entity he's working with. Definitely have to play this smart. I'll send word to my contacts. See what they can tell me."
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