Crafty Dragons
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Session Zero - Page 2 Empty Re: Session Zero

Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:15 am
"Ah touched by the goddess herself he finds himself a foe to weather and man," diablory pondered aloud. Removing a glass orb he gazed longingly into it. "The future holds many secrets from us but I Diablory shall help pierce the veil for thee." He rolled the slightly glowing orb in his hand and with a few words made a viper of fire slither from the candle around his orb to add to the illumination of the bird. "The acceptable to me" he looks to the group " like the great hydra perhaps more heads are better in this case though I hope we do not loose ours in this endeavor."
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Sun Dec 11, 2022 8:29 am
"I am Adrusilia, pleasure to meet you." She says as she smiled as she shook that welcoming hand, and takes her place at the table beside theirs, seeing how full it had already gotten, and listened in. As Diablory added to the illumination of the from with his viper of flame, a red amulet glistens in the light upon Adrusilia's chest, and her dark brown and green armor comes to light. She then sends her bird to sit on her candle.
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Mon Dec 12, 2022 6:21 pm
Cracking his knuckles and looking over at the rest of the group, Vali sighed. Perhaps I shall give a little insight hmmm? Might be of use.
Holding his hand up in front of him, he closed his eyes and frowned. He didn’t like what he saw. But knew the murderer still must be caught.
Eyeballing each of his comrades he nodded politely.
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Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:03 pm
Murders and answers, both of these things were missing, well perhaps not the first. With his head swimming, the sound of the tavern itself, all of the separate energies about them, Jorvyn could barely hear himself think. Taking a moment, he focused on grounding himself mentally. 'There were murders afoot...a tavern full whisperers...' His mind went back to what was required as an exhale left him and with a clear of a throat, he regained his focus. "Since we all have heard the news or recent updates of these murders, then I would suggest you hold onto your coin until the job is done and see what it is worth when we are done."
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Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:38 pm
"Not on a New moon then.....If I was a goddess demanding sacrifice, I would resent the fact someone might be disguising murders as sacrifices to me." Zora mumbled before focusing on the old orc once more and nodded. "Just to clarify...a hundred each or a hundred split...." She started to count all the people present surprisingly including the doctor in that count as they'd just been butting heads. "...Six ways? So thats...." She counted on her fingers. "Forty each? I believe?" She smiled softly. "Doesn't really matter to me how much I get paid, murders aren't something that should go on and I'll help either way." She looked at the others. "What inn is everyone staying at? We should probably try to have the same base during this mission, right?"
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Thu Dec 15, 2022 4:29 pm
Insight roll 20 + 5
*Searching the dwarfs eyes for anything indicating the dwarf knew more than they were letting on*
Something just didn’t sit right. And Vali was determined to see what it was.

Snapping back to reality, Vali heard what Zora was inquiring of. "I’m staying at the Inn across the street here. And yourself? And the rest of you?"
He was watching the dwaf from the corner of his eye now. He just had that sneaking feeling.
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Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:26 pm
((Hlin is telling the truth, no hidden motive or lies can be detected. She believes this man is killing Ten Towners.))

"100 to split amongst you. I'm retired, I don't have the money for that!" She laughs heartily. "Last sighting of Torg's was near Bremen. It's about a 2 to 3 hour walk. I would head there. Return when you've dealt with Sephek and you'll get your reward." She lights up her pipe again and sits back in her chair.

Here is a map of Ten-Towns with approximate travel times between them. You are currently in Targos.
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Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:36 pm
"While a hundred a piece would be nice, can't really expect people to have that kind of coin. Splitting it is fine. Especially if we can stop this fucking cold and save lives." Rhaella stood, grabbing her thick coat, pulling it back on. She stretched a bit. "We should get supplies before going. Don't know how long we'll be there. Don't want to get stuck without food or warm gear. So who wants to go shopping?" She smiled. Hopefully the shopkeepers don't want to charge a lot. She didn't exactly have a lot of coin herself. Last thing she wanted was for them to go broke.
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Wed Dec 21, 2022 3:45 pm
Dr diablory stared at the map, [I] Got to stay far away from Dugans hole. Bremen would be a good start[I/]
"Dr diablory will supply any inital weather gear if you can not spare the coin," excenteically announced, "we can no afford to have the weather take our companions before we arrive at our destination." He stands up and makes his way to the door "to the tailor and the barber and the hunter, they will supply us with all we need."
He leaves one gold coin on the bar to cover and asks the owner to leave two rooms open for the next couple weeks in case they return.

(Whatevwr cost for cold weather gear you need anounce in chat and ill subtract from my gold unless you would pay for yourself inspire of his offer.)
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Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:07 pm
((This made me realize we probably would have cold weather clothes but nothing else so I added that but you wouldn't nab that. Fur-lined Gambeson - 15GP. I'll also get Fur-lined Bracers, Rationsx3, and a spear for myself.))

Everyone was gearing to go and so was Jorvyn, making sure his gear was all set, he glanced to his comrades. "Cold wear gear would be ideal, especially with these arctic temperatures. So shopping we go." He hummed and turned his attention to the doctor. "I thank you for your help." With that, he headed for the door.
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Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:46 pm
Zoralune seemed to laugh along with Hlin when she does, she nods to Rhaella's words. "I wonder if I could trade in my finer clothes (15gp) for better suited winter ones. Maybe my signet ring (5gp) too. Winter makes things pricey." She wondered aloud as she didn't think the doctor would extend the same curtesy to her as he had to the others. "I think I'm good on weapons though. And rations. Just need better clothes." She said at a louder tone and pulled her cloak tighter around her and followed Jorvyn out. "I've been sleeping where I can find warmth, usually where I find work." She answered Vali.

((I'd like to get the Fur-lined Leather Armor if I can do the trade in/sell items as it's 20 gp. If I can't I'll get a Fur-lined Gambeson as it's only 15gp. As I only have 25 gp. Zora a broke bish.))
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Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:24 am
Adrusilia went along with the group for shopping, but seemed plenty warm with her current gear. She remained quiet for now, even staring into her amulet while waiting outside the stores. I don't want the others to spend there coin on me, plus the caravan did at least give me some warm clothes for helping them on the way in. Although, some padded armor does seem nice... She then goes in after everyone else has left, due to not feeling comfortable letting someone else buy her armor, and gets herself padded and fur-lined chest and leg armor, as her boots were already fur-lined.
((She doesn't like to feel like she owes anyone anything or give them a reason to hold something over her head. ^^'))
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Fri Dec 23, 2022 9:07 am
((According to the book, Cold Weather clothing is 10 gp, Crampons (2) are 2 gp, and Snowshoes are 2 gp.))

As you leave the bar and trudge through town, snow crunching underneath your feet, you hear the bark of a dog over the whistle of the wind. A wolf-sized sled dog with light gray fur runs towards you, dragging a broken leather harness behind it. He tackles Zoralune and licks her face, whimpering as he does. He has obviously broken free of his sled. He grabs you gently by the bracers in an attempt to guide you.
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Session Zero - Page 2 Empty Re: Session Zero

Fri Dec 23, 2022 4:53 pm
Rhaella appreciated the offer from Diablory to buy them clothing, but she wasn't one to take from others, at least not for herself. "Thank you for the offer, but I can manage." She went in the shop. This will leave me pretty broke, but it's better to be safe. Besides I'm sure I can replenish my coin at some point. She bought the cold weather clothing and snowboots, giving over the 12 GP needed. After changing into them she headed back out to meet with the others.

Huh a large ass sleigh dog. He's kinda cute. Rhaella walked over and helped Zoralune up. "Seems someone wants you to follow. Do you know the pup or are animals naturally attracted to you?" She couldn't help the grin that graced her face, putting her tusks on perfect view. Most found them intimidating, but she hoped her new friends wouldn't be bothered.

(We had 15 GP, but gotta be warm. So we now be broke)
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Session Zero - Page 2 Empty Re: Session Zero

Thu Dec 29, 2022 9:40 am
Adrusilia couldn't help but giggle at the dog at first, but would notice it was trying to get their attention. Something was off, and the tracks led outside of town. She walks over to the dog while it was tugging on Zora's bracers and examine the harness.
"What is it boy, where's the rest if your team? And your owner?" This can't be good, what spooked him enough to break away? Or worse, what broke the harness?
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Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:26 pm
Shopping with the group with what was needed, Jorvyn didn't need much so he didn't purchase much other than what was needed.

As the establishment was exited, and the large sled dog came bounding and tackled the female druid down, Jor's brows rose in surprise "Quite the large pup it seems." he smiled before watching to see the dog attempting to guide Zora "We druid type do well with all animal creatures, it's within our nature. As for this one, it's whimper is concerning." with that he made sure his gear and items were at the ready before heading over to look at the broken harness, checking on his new comrades "Let's follow him, see if we can aid." with that, he made sure his comrades were okay before waiting for Zora as the pup came for her before heading off with the group.
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Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:45 pm
Zoralune traded in/sold the clothing in order to make enough to purchase the Fur Lined leather armor, winter boots, bracers, and crampons. Putting it on before heading out, seeing the sled dog immediately make her smile. Upon being tackled, a laugh escaped her before smiling kindly Rhaella as she helped her up "Yeah, I agree with Jorvyn, let's go before turning to the dog with a grin "I want to keep you, I hope we can."
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Session Zero - Page 2 Empty Re: Session Zero

Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:52 pm
(I'll purchase the cold weather gear ans crampons for 12 gold which also leaves me broke and unable to help with other purchases)

"Alas this cold blasted windscape has taken all of diablory's money for clothing and shoes," he spit looking at the bulky attire covering his much finer clothes. Following the other members shopping he notices the large dog charging at them and startles before seeing it bring down Zora. "The beast seems drawn to you," he says slowly "good as diablory has no need to de-shed is clothing daily " he watches the merry exchange between the dog and Zora before agreeing with Zora. "We should return the creature to its owner before we depart it would not do well in the cold landscape should it try to follow us"
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Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:52 am
The dog starts to lead you through town, towards a modest dwelling. As you walk, he looks behind to make sure that you are still following him. When you approach the home he scratches at the door and barks.

A handsome man in his thirties answers the door, a smile on his face. "Garret?!" The dog rushes into the home past him. He takes in the sight of you, his smile fading from his face. "Please... come inside. It's too cold to stay outside."
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Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:09 pm
"Your feral dog nearly murdered a member of this msot illustrious party. How do you explain this action?!?" Anounced diablory as he entered the home. It was cozy enough but there was something missing from it.
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Session Zero - Page 2 Empty Re: Session Zero

Fri Jan 13, 2023 12:20 pm
Rhaella looked the man over. He was young, handsome, and had a way with animals it would seem; if the dog was anything to go by. Though why it would break its harness to bring them there, was curious.

"Garret, seemed to think we needed to come here for some reason. He broke free to get us." She shifted, placing a hand on her hilt. She looks him over, trying to see if there's more to him than meets the eye. (15 perception check).
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Session Zero - Page 2 Empty Re: Session Zero

Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:25 am
Adrusilia followed the group, and upon arriving at the house, she decides to go inside, slipping past everyone and (with a natural 20 on stealth) rummage through the house. She finds 1 potion, and a small pouch of gold, but she continues to search for anything suspicious, trying not to make a sound while the others are distracted. However, doesn't seem to find anything suspicious (on a 10 on perception).
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Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:54 am
"I would hardly call his excited tackle nearly murdering me." She corrected the good Doctor with knitted brows but nodded to Rhaella's words. "He was quite eager to have us follow him. Given the state of his harness, I was worried about where he was going to take us but you seem perfectly fine." (Nat One Percep)
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Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:12 am
Jorvyn gave a soft grunt as he looked around trying to see anything that looked remotely out of place about the home they'd been invited inside of given the handsome man looked displeased to see them. ((18)) He nodded along to Zora and Rhaella's words. "It seemed to be thought by others that he had broken off from a sled, were you out for a ride and he pulled away earlier?"
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Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:05 am
((I rolled a 4 perception to see you sneaking. He sees nothing.))

"Garret is my husband. Boy must have pulled free of the sled to come get me..." He hands you each a cup of warm cider.
"I was born in Ten-Towns, but my husband came from a wealthy family in Neverwinter. Garret didn't care for the city life. When I met him, he was working as a guide. He loves the outdoors, and he lives to climb mountains." Keegan sighs into his own cup and takes a large sip before continuing, "A few days ago, Garret was hired by some adventurers to lead them up the slopes of Kelvin's Cairn. Garret's plan was to take the adventurers to Caer-Konig, the town at the foot of Kelvin's Cairn. After they acquired some climbing gear from the outfitter there, he was to lead them up the mountain. Garret took six dogs and a sled with him. Boy, here, was Garret's favorite. Raised him from a pup. Boy would never leave his side unless something terrible had happened..."
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